
the word is: INCULCATE

In library, snooping and staring. Boy’s paper next to me:
-Leadership: class notes
-Maturing: clean room
-Practicing: Talk w/ girls.”

Also, everyone is brain dead this week.

I like you most

! ! !!! ! ! !! !!!! ! !!.
I was just invited to go skydiving this weekend and I really want to go but I am supposed to be responsible and save $$$ for this summer but this is on MY LIST and will I have another chance but I am nervous but I but I but I and I and dndnnadnad n I but btubtubtt I finally found my new favorite CD under the wrong letter of the alphabet so life is ok.


BT 480

How do Euros look so undeniably European? I want to be foreign; you can get away with so much. I will go overseas and shrug and whatatwahwahawhat I’m foreign.